EPD-130 is the module integrated with 13.3'' Red/Black/White and Black/White EPD. The module support micro USB and SPI interface for host computer to control the EPD.
Advantech EPD-130 are the module integrated with 13.3'' EPD controller The module can support hospital, pharmacy, factory, warehouse and retail application With optimization on the power consumption and device management, your applications can be achieved years battery lifetime and thousand devices connection.
With advantech EPD-130, system integrator can focus on application development and system management without any obstacle.
About This Item
EPD-130 is the module integrated with 13.3'' Red/Black/White and Black/White EPD. The module support micro USB and SPI interface for host computer to control the EPD.
Advantech’s corporate vision is to enable an intelligent planet. The company is a global leader in the fields of IoT intelligent systems and embedded platforms. To embrace the trends of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence, Advantech promotes IoT hardware and software solutions with the Edge Intelligence WISE-PaaS core to assist business partners and clients in connecting their industrial chains. Advantech is also working with business partners to co-create business ecosystems that accelerate the goal of industrial intelligence.
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