Do you have any questions about E Ink Online Shop? See the content below for our most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not listed here, please go to "Contact" and fill out the form.
Do you have any questions about E Ink Online Shop? See the content below for our most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not listed here, please go to "Contact" and fill out the form.
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Payment Methods
Credit Card: Visa, Master, JCB, and UnionPay.
PayPal: Visa, Master, JCB, UnionPay, American Express, and Discover.
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Please ensure that dedicated driving boards or accessories for the selected ePaper display modules are included in Shopping Cart and vice versa before checkout.
Click to see ePaper Display module and Driving Board Compatibility Table.
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If you’ve confirmed that all items have been added to your cart, please proceed to CHECKOUT.
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